I love you, for that certain smile
that cheers me when I'm blue
I love you, for your tender kiss
That warms me through and through
I love you, for your kindness and
your understanding touch;
Your eyes that somehow seem to say
"I love U very much"
I love U, for you faith in me
Your sweets and patient ways;
for the many thoughtful things you
so often without praise.
I love U, for all those things
and a million others, too
but most of all for what you are
whenever I'm with you....
~Jen-jen Tropel~
Forever is a long time
Do U think I can wait for so long?
If I can chose between now and forever
I would rather have U now
I couldn't wait for another second
To be so far away from you
Just the thought of being without you
Is breaking my heart into bits
Forever is a long time
But what if forever never comes
There will only be a forever
If I start loving you now
Page 10 Of Poetry