
Forget his name, forget his face
Forget his kiss, his embrace
Forget the love you once knew
Remember, he has someone new
Forget him when they play your song
Forget U cried the whole night long
Forget how close U two were
Remember, he has chosen her
Forget U memorized his walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the things he used to say
Remember now he's gone away
Forget his laugh,forget the way he held U tight
Remember, he's with her tonight
Forget the time that went so fast
Forget he said that he'll never leave U
Remember, he's gone forever



I Love U, not because U are perfect,
but because U are so perfect for me

Couples who love each other tell each other thousand things without talking
~Chinese proverd~
If I know what love is, it's because of U
~herman Hesse~
We must resemble each other a little to understand
each other, but we must be a little different to love each other
Love the magician, knows this little trick where by two people
walk in different directions, Yet always remain side by side

~Hugh Prather~
