
Love is..the excitement of planning things
The excitement of doing things together
Love is, the source of the future

Love is..the furry of the storm
The calm in the rainbow
Love is, the source of passion


Love is...giving and taking in a daily situation
being patient with each other's needs and desires
Love is, the source of sharing

Love is...knowing that the other person
will always be with you regardless of what happens
missing the other person when they are away
but remaining near in heart at all times
Love is, the source of security

Love is , the source of life


Why does one hurt?
Is it because we feel alone?
or is it because
we have no love to give?

Is it because
We feel resentment towards another?
or is it because we receive no love?
Is it because
someone has gone off to a better place?
or is it the fact
that we are never going to see them again?
Is it because we have no one to love?
or is it guilt?

Why is it that one hurts?


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